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What are pectoral implants?

Ankle joint replacement (also called ankle arthroplasty) is a surgical procedure to replace damaged parts of the ankle joint using artificial replacements (prostheses).


Who can benefit from pectoral implants?

Pectoral implants can benefit men who feel they are not able to achieve their desired chest muscles through exercise. The implants can give the appearance of fuller, firmer pectoral muscles while boosting self-confidence. They can also help to correct hereditary defects (spina bifida for example) and loss of muscle through injury, which may have left the patient with asymmetrical muscles.



Pectoral implant surgery is performed under local or general anesthetic, taking up to two hours per implant. An incision (sometimes two) is made in the armpit and a pocket created. The silicon implant is then inserted and the incisions closed with stitches. Pectoral implant surgery can also be done endoscopically (using a small camera attached to a tube for greater precision). The implants will be held in place either by the chest muscles or stitches (sometimes dissolvable).


Recovery period

Patients should be able to go home on the same day of their surgery after having bandages applied (sometimes drains will be left in the incisions to remove the build-up of fluid, but will be removed a couple of days after surgery). You should avoid strenuous activities for around a month and take painkillers to alleviate any pain.



Blood loss, fluid build-up, nerve damage, visible scarring, movement of the implant, infection, asymmetry and muscle damage.

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